About Us
Starting as "Trevor's Bus Page" in 1997, the site originally hosted bus pictures taken by just the webmaster. Inspired by a similar transit-oriented, the website was created to fill a void with the lack of bus photography within the New York City area. In 1998, Trevor's Bus Page became transiTALK, name spin on a message forum that was around at the time called Bus/SubTalk. In Mid to Late 2000, transiTALK began to merge with several other up & coming websites like itself: KayBee's Page, MCIMAN2000 Page, DHP Transit Digital, Meaney's Page, Ntwrkguy2000's Page & TrAnSiTiNfO.
Over the years, transiTALK has gone through a series of name changes:
- transiTALK: Aug '00-Feb '01 & Jun '02-Mar '04
- transiTALK America: Feb '01-Feb '02
- transiTALK International: Feb '02-Jun '02
In March of 2004, transiTALK officially became transiTALK Transportation Media Group or TTMG for short. Despite going through several name changes, the word transiTALK was always a permanent fixture of the site and is now the trademark of TTMG.
The site is currently 31.74 GB in size and does a monthly average of 1 to 2 Million hits. Most people connect to the site via Direct Address or Bookmarks (84.2%), while 11.5% comes from searches on sites like Google or Yahoo and the other 3.9% from Links from an external page (other web sites except search engines). TTMG currently hosts nearly 30,000 pictures in its database from transit agencies all over the United States, Canada and most recently the United Kingdom and Asia (with a central base in the New York Metropolitan Area).-
Aside from pictures, the website hosts an array of transit-related audio recordings and videos. TTMG currently retains a staff of 43 people, also referred to as Media Crew. TTMG Media Crew Members work on a volunteer basis and are chosen by their photography skills and willingness to learn. We also require that our younger, in-school volunteers maintain a certain grade average to be on the staff. If their grades fall, then they are removed from the staff until grades improve. We are serious about our hobby, but even more serious about education. In order to maintain a level of quality control, TTMG has set in place several strict policies. Despite having down periods in the operation of the site, the staff remains close-knit and dedicated to their work.
We hope that you enjoy the site and will come back frequently as we update regularly.
Regards, The TTMG Team